Fine Woodworking on Hand Tools
Now back in print! To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Fine Woodworking, the Taunton Press is re-releasing a number of classic titles from the early days of the magazine. Long out of print, the books are filled with expert information that's as timeless now as when it was first published.
Sophisticated new power tools come and go, but fundamental wood-working skill begins and ends with hand tools. No matter how clever you are with jigs for the radial-arm saw or router, you almost always come back to planes, chisels, and saws for some aspect of the job. This volume of 38 articles from Fine Woodworking magazine offers a wealth of information on all phases of hand-tool use, from basic sawing and chiseling to understanding the finer points of how a plane cuts and why it leaves a shimmery surface you can’t get with sandpaper.
Editors: Fine Woodworking
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