Foodsafe Plus - Pure Food Grade Mineral Oil
For chopping boards, breadboards salad bowls and a whole lot more (PURE, FOOD GRADE, MINERAL OIL)
This Medical, Pharmaceutical and Food Grade, Mineral Oil is food safe for use on chopping boards, bread boards, salad bowls, and all wooden food utensils where you want a natural and safe finish for raw timber.
Because of its properties that prevent water absorption, combined with its lack of flavour and odour, this food grade mineral oil, is an ideal preservative for wooden food utensils, butchers blocks, chopping boards, bread boards, salad bowls, wooden spoons, etc.
Rubbing a small amount of mineral oil into wooden kitchen items periodically will prevent absorption of food odors and ease cleaning, as well as maintain the integrity of the wood, which is otherwise subjected to repeated wetting and drying in the course of use. The oil fills small surface cracks that may otherwise harbour bacteria
- RUBBING OUT A FINISH: Use this oil for wet sanding a finish prior to rubbing out a finish, instead of water which will allow the abrasive to cut too quickly. Using this oil will slow down the cutting process and make it easier to get a great, even, result, without as much fear of cutting back through the surface of the finish.
- FRENCH POLISHING: Use this oil when French polishing as the lubricant for your polishing pad. Because it is a non drying oil it can be left on the surface for a long period of time and will not skin on the surface like linseed which is traditionally used for this process. This oil is also the recommended oil for use with our Hard Shellac as it works much better than any others.
- ON METAL: - Tools, etc. This oil can also be used as a coating on metal tools, as it is an excellent way to inhibit oxidation. It can also be used on guns and other metal weaponry. When mixed with 1% oil of cloves oil it is used by Japanese sword makers to protect the sword blades.
- ON STONE: This oil is used to darken soapstone countertops for aesthetic purposes and has similar affects on a number of different
- stone bench tops.
- CLEANING: This oil can be used as a “de-gummer” to remove the adhesive residue left on a surface from price tags, adhesive tape, etc. This oil can also be used to clean heavier oil stains by diluting and liquefying the other oils, rendering the oils more easily washed away with detergents.
- OTHER STUF:F This oil has a myriad of other uses including baby oil and much more.
PLEASE NOTE: This oil has no fragrance and will not taint or change the taste of food the way some other oils may. It will not go rancid and does not contain lead driers, wax, polyurethane, tung oil or any other pollutants as some others oils.
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