Milescraft DoveTail Template
Professional caliber single or mixed-pitch dovetail and finger joint jigs, full, spaced and angled of any length made quickly and inexpensively, using a standard router. Make the jigs needed for almost all typical dovetailing applications with the DovetailTemplateMaster. Eliminate replacement costs created when dovetail jigs are inevitably damaged during normal use.
- DovetailTemplateMaster Body: Polycarbonate panel containing pre-cut guide openings
- Router Bits: Each bit is equipped with a guide bearing, eliminating the need for an auxiliary bushing on the router
- 1/2″ x 1” straight bit
- 1/2” x 3/4” straight bit
- 8° dovetail bit
- Step-By-Step Instructions:
- Thorough, detailed, instructions, show how to properly align, secure and adjust the DovetailTemplateMaster
- Cut both pin and tail openings for full, spaced and angled dovetails of varying sizes
- Includes complimentary DVD
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