About Me

John completed his initial teaching Diploma training and then spent a few years in the Timber industry before re-entering the education sector, the experience in the industry focused on wood machining practices.

Since then John has spent 31 years in the High School education area and has concentrated on the Stage 6 Industrial Technology (Timber and Furniture) Course. This has been the catalyst for John exploring a range of techniques and projects, extending from “hollow timber surfboards” to “12 string acoustic guitar” and other acoustic concepts. Whilst still teaching, John also produces work regularly on private commission most often resulting from client loyalty and “word of mouth” recommendation.


  • 1987 Diploma in Industrial Arts, CCES Sydney
  • 1996 Bachelor of Education in Design and Technology, University of Newcastle
  • 2000 Certificate IV in Bricklaying Trade, TAFE NSW
  • 2008 Certificate IV in Training and Workplace Assessment, TAFE NSW
  • 2010 Masters in Education (specialising in “Boys in Schools”), University of Newcastle
  • 2019 Certificate I and II Construction Pathways

Fun fact: John is also a qualified Mountain Bike Instructor!